Ai Dispidir Corunc Tuka Anjea - Mando

विकिपीडिया कडल्यान

“Let’s keep the Goan tradition and culture alive, worldwide”[बदल]

Ai Dispidir Corunc Tuka Anjea[बदल]

While wishing you farewell

Type: Mando

Source: J.A.A. Fernandes, vulgo: André Xett (1884-1980).

Literary form: Monologue

Translated by António Vicente de Noronha (1895-1982), Pandavaddo, Chorão

Ai dispidir corunc tuka anjea,

While wishing you farewell, my angel,

Sangu nozo calzac bocta tem mojea.

I cannot tell you what I feel in my heart.

Soglem vid betoilem mogac tujea,

I have devoted my whole life for your love,

Punn atin podlim môg naslolêachea.

But now I have fallen into the hands of a loveless person.

Chusmo/ Refrain:

Borvanso dovôr tum mojeam utrancho,

Have confidence in my words,

Novean êcôtt zatolo mun amcho.

There will be a fresh union of ours.

Tum moga zaloloi zalear concordar,

If you have had agreed with me,

Tujea vinem kedinch zatim nam cazar.

I would not have married anyone except you.

Paen mojo jiu passun cad'lolo zalear,

Even if my father would have had even killed me,

Punn atam soglench zalem rê mudar. (Chusmo)

But now everything has changed. (Refrain)

Amchim calzam mogan godsololim,

Our hearts are joined together in love,

Dongrar khodpam godsotta tôxim.

Like rocks which have clung to one another on the hill.

Aiz con'nem dusmananim kêlim dôxim,

Today some enemy has cast us apart,

Surumgam gallum khodpam foddtat tôxim. (Chusmo)

Like dynamite which burst the rocks. (Refrain)

Fôxe bair Sacramento avem zoddun,

Reluctantly I agreed to the (marriage) Sacrament,

Vetam moga aichean tuka aum soddun.

I am going away, my love, leaving you alone from today onwards.

Coslem zait amchem nostem furtun,

How unfortunate has been our broken luck,

Juramento dilolo uddonc moddun. (Chusmo)

To have broken the promise (oath) we had given. (Refrain)

Ful tum mojea mogan ugormoulolem,

You are the flower which blossomed in my love,

Decun rogtan mojea avem ximplelem,

Therefore I had sprinkled it with my blood,

Vóch munn tondd corun anstem,

Leave with a smiling face,

Gué ho beiju caliz corun ugtem. (Chusmo)

Take this kiss with an open heart. (Refrain)

The Mando

The mando is a dance song from Goa in Konkani. Although it is popular among all the social stratas of the Konkani-speaking peoples and many of the composers have remained anonymous, it should not be classified as a folk song. It is an art song composed for particular occasions. There have been many attempts to explain the origin of the word mando. One of them refers to the mand which was traditionally an open space of about 100 sq.m. where religious ceremonies were held and folk dances were performed. The text form of the mando is based on that of the traditional Konkani song ovi, which was usually sung at weddings

Most of the the traditional mandos, which gained the term “classical”, were composed in the 19th century. The polka and the valsavina (Vienna Waltz) with its three-four rhythm seem to have found their way to Goa. The mando was originally composed and danced by the Brahmin aristocracy of Goa, mainly of Salcete, whose spacious mansions had a big hall for festive occasions. A memorable moment in the history of the family was the bridal mando. The mando reflects the tranquil and leisurely character of this aristocracy. The Goan woman in the mando reflects the ideals and virtues then ascribed to her, namely self-sacrifice, piety and motherhood.

As a dance the mando is a square type (double file), men facing the women. When the partners come face to face in the centre, they retreat to the starting point, then move forward again crossing to the opposite side. The men then flick their handkerchiefs while the women open their fans. All in all, it is a stately and leisurely dance. The melody of the mando is slow in movement, with a soft and languishing atmosphere.


Goemche Mandde



  1. Mandde
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