मजकूराशीं उडकी मार

Maie Mogalle - Gaion

विकिपीडिया कडल्यान
Our Lady of Vladimir, one of the holiest medieval representations of the Theotokos.
Maie Mogalle - Gaion

Maie Mogalle - Gaion[बदल]

Maiê mogallê

Loving Mother

Type: Hymn

Source: Gaionacho Jhelo, 1995 edition, T-25, p. 214

Lyrics: Traditional

Music: Lino de Sa, Betalbatim, Salcete, Goa

Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (Pastoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402

Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102. August 2005

Maiê, Maiê, mogallê,

Loving Mother, Mother,

tum amkam pav gê

come to our help

ani kaklut amchi kôr.

and have pity on us.


Ankvar Mariechea Manak Gaionnam



  1. http://www.songs-from-goa.at/info14-music-with-staffnotation.html
"https://gom.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Maie_Mogalle_-_Gaion&oldid=199624" चे कडल्यान परतून मेळयलें