मजकूराशीं उडकी मार

Kurpebhorit Saibinni - Gaion

विकिपीडिया कडल्यान
Madonna by Batoni, an example of Marian art

Kurpebhorit Saibinni[बदल]

Our Lady Full of Grace[बदल]

Type: Hymn

Source: Gaionacho Jhelo, 1995 edition, T-21, p. 213 Lyrics: Lino de Sa, Betalbatim, Salcete, Goa Music: Lino de Sa, Betalbatim, Salcete, Goa Publisher: Goychi Sevadhormik Somoti (P astoral Institute), Old Goa, Goa 403 402 Translated by: Alfred Noronha, Pandavaddo, Chorão, Goa 403 102. August 2005

Kurpebhorit Saibinni ǃ

Our Lady full of grace

amim tujim oskot bhurgim,

we are your weak children,

ghottai di gê, Maiê, amkam,

give us strength, Oh Mother,

tujea dhiran samball sodam.

always protect us in Your strength.

Zogant amchi adarinn Tum

In this world you are our Helper,

(amchea ganvchi askarinn tum)

(You are the protector of our home-country)

soglleank amkam dov ́r samballun.

keep us all safe.

Besanv ghal gê dor ghorabear,

Bless all our homes,

sonkoxttantlim sodanch nivar.

always save us from harm.

Kallkê jinnent ami sanddlear

We are lost in the dark paths of life,

dakhoi amkam tuzo uzvadd,

shine your light on us,

patka-tallnnent ami poddlear

if we succumb to sinful temptation,

tujea hatan amkam ubar.

lift us with Your hands





  1. http://www.songs-from-goa.at/info14-music-with-staffnotation.html
"https://gom.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Kurpebhorit_Saibinni_-_Gaion&oldid=199566" चे कडल्यान परतून मेळयलें