आदार:Romi Konknni
Hea panar Konknni Wikipidiecho interface, mhonnge menu, butao, vixex panam, adi, Romi Lipien koxem uzar korunk zata, teche vornon asa.
This page explains how users of the Konkani Wikipedia can use the Wikipedia interface in the Roman script (Latin script). The methods given below can also be used to switch from the Roman script to the Devanagari script.

If you are not logged in
[बदल]For users who are not logged in to Wikipedia using a username and password, the interface language can be changed using an interface that appears in the sidebar to the left of the screen. To change the language, select the desired language from the dropdown box below the text 'Language select', and then press the 'Select' button. This feature is known as AnonymousI18N.

If you are logged in
[बदल]For logged in users, there are two methods to change the interface language: The Universal Language Selector (ULS) or from Preferences.
Universal Language Selector
[बदल]This is the simpler of the two methods. To change the interface language, click on the small gear wheel icon in the last section of the sidebar on the left side. The gear wheel is beside the text that reads 'हेर भासांनी' or 'Bhaso'. Select the 'Display language' as 'Gõychi Konknni'. In case none of these are visible, click on '...' and then type 'Konknni'. Make sure that 'Display language' is highlighted on the left side, and not 'Input'.

[बदल]An alternate method to change the interface language is in your preferences. To access your preferences page, click on 'पसंती' or 'Posonti' near your username at the top of the page or click on this link. On the preferences page, on the tab 'सदस्य व्यक्तिरेखा' or 'User profile' and in the section 'अंतर्राष्ट्रीयकरण' or 'Internationalisation', select 'gom-latn' in the drop down box next to 'भाषा' or 'Language'. Then click on 'संजोएँ' or 'Save' at the bottom of the page.

[बदल]One can easily change their signature that appears on wikitext pages in place of '~~~~' to Romi script. To do this, go to your preferences page by clicking on 'पसंती' or 'Posonti' near your username at the top of the page or by clicking on this link. On the preferences page, on the tab 'सदस्य व्यक्तिरेखा' or 'User profile' and in the section 'नए हस्ताक्षर' or 'New signature', paste the following:
[[User:USERNAME|USERNAME]] ([[User talk:USERNAME|uloi]])
Replace the three instances of 'USERNAME' above with your Wikipedia username. Be sure to select the checkbox below that says 'हस्ताक्षर का विकिपाठ के समान मानें' or 'Treat signature as wikitext', and then click on 'संजोएँ' or 'Save' at the bottom of the page.
Since the Konkani Wikipedia makes use of the Flow discussion system, it is rarely necessary to sign posts.