
विकिपीडिया कडल्यान
Archimedes by José de Ribera (1630)
Archimedes-screw one-screw-threads with-ball 3D-view animated The Archimedes' screw can raise water efficiently.
Cicero Discovering the Tomb of Archimedes by Benjamin West
Archimedes used Pythagoras' Theorem to calculate the side of the 12-gon from that of the hexagon and for each subsequent doubling of the sides of the regular polygon.
As proven by Archimedes, the area of the parabolic segment in the upper figure is equal to 4/3 that of the inscribed triangle in the lower figure.
A sphere has 2/3 the volume and surface area of its circumscribing cylinder including its bases. A sphere and cylinder were placed on the tomb of Archimedes at his request. (see also: Equiareal map)

(zolm' ani mornnH sirakyuz, sisili. I.So.Po. Sumar 287-212). Namnecho grik gonniti ani sonxodok. Bhumiti (Geometry), yamiki (Mechanics) ani obhiantriki (Engineering) hea tin vegvegllea vixeant tannem mhotvachem sonxodhon kelem.

Sirakyuzocho raza dusro hiyro ani tacho cholo gelo hancheavangodda tachi datt ixttagot axil'li. Tachem sogllem xikxonn aelekzhanddria hanga zalem. Thoim konon hoya gonnitgoneakodden tachi vollokh zali. Xikxonn somptokoch aplea zolmogamvant yeun tannem gonnitacho fuddlo obheas chalu kelo. Tache kaim lekh aiz legit promann mantat.

Vortull (circle), onvost (parabola) ani sorpil (spiral) hea vokranchea kxetromaponakhatir tannem vapril'lea niHxex (exhaustive) podhdotichem kaim promannant arvil'lea somakolonachea (integration) vivronnakodden sarkemponn asa oxem disun ailam. Vortollacho porigh (circumference)ni veas (diameter) hanchea gunnot'torachem (ratio) mhollear π chem mol 3 a 3 hanchemodim asa oxem tannem sidhd kelem. Xankvachem (conic Section) kxetrofoll va xankou okxabhomvotonni ghumvn yeupi prosthachea (solid figure) bhailea bhagachem kxetrofoll va tea prosthachem ghonfoll tulnatmok ritin manddum yeta oxem arkimiddiz hannem dakhoun dilem. Ankdde mejpache grik podhdotint tannem sudaronna keli. Torfecho sod tannench lailo.

‘ ekadri vost drayunt (fluid) buddoitokoch tacher sokoilean voir oxi ek prernna lagu zata. Tika ‘ utpronnodon ’ (upthrust) oxem namv asa ani tichem mol podarthan kuxik kaddil'lea drayuchea vojnaitolem asta. Kuxik kaddil'lea drayuchem aiton (volume) podarthachea buddil'lea bhagachea aitonaitolench asta ’. Hea totvak ‘ arkimiddiz totv ’oxem mhonnttat. Utpronnodonak lagun podarthachem vozon tannem kuxik kaddil'lea drayuchea vojnaitolench demvta. Ufeupi podathache babtint uppronnodon = podarthachem vozon ho sombond asta.

Ekdam xettin kel'lea aplea mukuttant rupem bhorxilam oso dubavo raza hiyro haka ailo ani tem topasopachem kam' razan arkimiddiz haka dilem razachea prosnachi zap taka nhata astona oksmat mell'lli ani to tosoch ‘ yureka---- yureka ’ (mell'llem, mell'llem) oxem add'ddot uktoch bhair rostear ailo. Oxetoren arkimiddiz totvacho sod laglo oxem mhonnttat.

Vhoddeachea tollak santthil'lem udok uspun bhair kaddpakhatir arkimiddizan sodun kaddil'lea yontrak ‘ arkimiddiz skru ’ oxem mhonnttat. Hea sadhnant ek lamb nolli, tatunt bhitor tachea okxacher bosoil'lea danddeabhomvotonni mollsutrasaroko nollyek dosoil'lo potreacho podd'ddo, danddeachea voilea tonkacher mutth oxe bhag astat. Nollyechem sokoilem tondd udkant buddoil'lem asta. Voile mutthan nolli ghumvddaitokoch nollyechea sokoilea tonddantlean udok bhitor sorta ani mollsutri podd'ddeavoilean lhou lhou choddun voilea tonddantlean bhair poddtta. Adlea kallant hea yontracho vapor ijiptant zatalo. Hem yontr toyar korpak kotthinn axil'lean toxench tachi karyokxomotai sadea hatpompaporos komi axil'lean halinchea kallant tem vhoddlenxem procharant na.

Zoxem gofnnintlean fator mokhtat tech dhorter vhoddle vhoddle fator mokhun marpachem yontr arkimiddizan toyar kel'lem. Romon senapoti marselos hannem doreamargan sirakyuzocher ghal'li ghuri raza hiyron heach yontrachea nettar portun ghali. Tori legit khuxkichea margan yeun marselos hannem sirakyuz kabiz kelem. Tachea soineantlea eka soinikan arkimiddizachi gomttich kapli. Tea vellar arkimiddiz remvecher bhumitichi ek akriti kaddun gonnit soddoupant gul'l zal'lo oxem mhonnttat.

Toreli hannem 1792t ani haiberg hannem 1880 to, arkimiddizachea sogllea borpachem sompadon kelem. Uprant 1897 to, hith hannem ‘ vorks ef arkimiddiz ’ hea gronthant arkimiddizache lekh arvil'leo kuru ani chinham vaprun ujvaddaile.



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