Bapa Mhojea Mogalla Gaion
Bapa Mhojea Mogalla
[बदल](Charles de Foucauld, hannem ghoddlolea prarthna pormannem)
[बदल]Bapa mhojea mogalla !
[बदल]Mhojem jivit Tujea hatant soddtam,
Tuka man'ta titlench kor mhonn magtam;
kitem-i korxi, Tuzo upkar man'tam
soglleak toiar, sogllench mogan ghetam.
Tujich khuxi zaum-di mhoje sovem
somest mon'xam, soglleam rochnnam-i sovem
itlean sukhi dhados kalliz mhojem ǃ
Tuje lagim anik magchem kitem ?
Mhozo otmo Tujea hatant ghaltam,
Sogllea kallzan Tuka, Deva, ditam,
Kiteak Tuzo hanv chodd chodd mog kortam
Ani mhakach Tuje adhin ditam.
Vhodd-vhodd visvas Tujea mogar tthevtam,
Tujer patieun Tujea gopant liptam.
Hanv put Tuzo ( hanv dhuv Tuji)
Mhozo Tum Bap mhonntam :
Tuje-oslo Bapui mhaka mellnam !
I abandon myself into your hands;
do with me what you will.
Whatever you may do, I thank you:
I am ready for all, I accept all.
Let only your will be done in me,
and in all your creatures -
I wish no more than this, O Lord.
Into your hands I commend my soul:
I offer it to you with all the love of my heart,
for I love you, Lord, and so need to give myself,
to surrender myself into your hands without reserve,
and with boundless confidence,
for you are my Father.
This wonderful Prayer of Abandonment is written by Charles de Foucauld.