Donim Tiny Chari Muinnem Zale - Mando

विकिपीडिया कडल्यान

“Let’s keep the Goan tradition and culture alive, worldwide”[बदल]

Donim Tiny Chari Muinnem Zale - Mando[बदल]

Donim Tiny Chari Muinnem Zale

Two, three, four months have passed

Type: Mando

Source: Pereira, José / Martins, Michael. Song of Goa.

Lyrics and Music: Arnaldo de Menezes (1863-1917)

Date: Composed after 1882.[27]

Musical form: Ternary

Literary form: Monologue

Translated by José Pereira ( 27.1.2015,.... your works live on )[बदल]

Donim tiny chari muinnem zale,

Two, three, four months have passed,

Koslench punn nam maka suko.

And there is no joy for me.

Vit-ttet'm gopam' geuchako,

I (female) yearn to hold you in my arms,

Abras y anim beiju diuchako.

To embrace and kiss you.

Gavn-um muz' sandddunum zaupatso,

I think of leaving my village,

Eunum disot' tuja rê sangtako,

And coming to where you are,

Nodor tujery galchako,

To be able to look at you,

Kalliz amchem ekttaim-im korchako.

To unite our hearts.

Muj' taim-im kainchi nam upau-u,

I have no way,

Môgu muzo dakounum diuchako,

Of showing you my love.

Sonsar bounta tsouchako,

People prowl around,

Tujô mujô fobro korchako.

Looking for a chance to gossip about you and me.

Dispidirats' vellu y amtso,

The time of our parting,

Disolo sorgincha y anjantso.

Seemed that of the angels of heaven.

Garhiets' sadu zainam furhem,

When the whistle of the train blew,

Prannu vocha' paulo mum rê muzo.

My breath almost left me.

Tuj' vinny'm raum-um nuzo,

I cannot live without you.

Ugddas yeta maka tuzo.

The thought of you comes to me.


Goemche Mandde



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