Pap Saib Francis
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PapSaib - Pope Francis (Latin: Franciscus; Italian: Francesco; Spanish: Francisco; born Jorge Mario Bergoglio, [b] 17 December 1936) zaun asa 266vo Pap Saib Roman Catholic Igorz Matecho.
Poilo Jesuit Pap Saib
[बदल]Pap Saib Francis hem nav tanem ghetlem, Saint Francis d’Assisi hea santachea manak. Pap Saib zaun asa poilo Jesuit Pope ani poilo Americas hea Bhumikhondd-acho.
Dokxin Bhymychɒ
[बदल]To zaun asa poilo Pap Saib dokxin bhumycho ordho vantteantlo toxem poilo Europa bahircho Pap Saib, Syriachea Gregory III rea uprant, zo somplolo 741 vorsak.
Argentina dexachɒ
[बदल]Zolmolo, Buenos Aires hea Argentina dexachea gavant. Tajim Avoi Bapuichem nav Mario José Bergoglio and Regina María Bergoglio (née Sívori)
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