Sant Gregory Nazianzus-acho

Sant Gregory Nazianzus-acho ho okhond bhavart porgottpi. Tannem Kristi bhavarta khatir khub kamgiri kelea.
Bhurgeponnachem Jivit
[बदल]Gregoryicho zolm Karbala hea ganvant zalo.Tacho Pay Gregory ani May Nonna eka girest kullantlim aslim.Nonnan aplea ghorkarak 325 Vorsak Kristanv Kelo.Gregory ani tachea bhavan Caesarius-an aplem poilem xikop aplea ghorant kelem. Tanchea Maman tankam Xikoile. Gregory tachea uprant aplem fuddlem xikop korunk Nazianzus-ak gelo. Athens pavtanch tachem Tarum bolladik Vadollak sampoddta tedna Gregory bhievun Deva lagim Oxem Magnnem Korta ki zor tor apunn hea bollvont vadollantlo suttlo zalear aplem akhem jivit tuka bhetoitlo mhonn ani to salvar zata ani sanglolem toxem aplem jivit Devak betoita.
Padriponnachem Jivit
[बदल]Gregorychea bautisma uprant tannem aplea ixttak Basil hachem sangnnem aikon aplem apovnnem mandun ghetlem ani novea bandun hadelia konventant bhitor sorlo.Jednam tacho bapui Gregory Bisp Saib aslo tedna taka aplea Diocesan adar zai aslo. Dekhun Gregori-k padriponnachem ord favo Keli. 41 vorsancher Gregorik Sasima ganvcho Bisp Saib mhunn vinchun kaddlo.Gregory porot Nazianzus ailo. Aplea bapaik adhar diunk Diocesanchi cholvonn fuddem voronk. Tachea Maychea ani Paychea morna uprant 374 vorsak,Gregorin thir ravun Nazianzusachi Diocesan choloili. Aplem sogllem goribank diun to ek kottin jivit jeilo.375 hea vorsak tannem konvent soddlem. Tem voros sompta mhunnosor tacho mogacho ixtt Basil sonvsarant ontorlo. Gregorichi bolaiki bori nasli dekhun taka tachea ixttachea mornak vochonk mevonk Na hea karonnak lagon to Basilachea bhavak chitt boroita ani bara ugddasachio kovita boroita.
Devosponn Ani Dusro Vavr
[बदल]Gregorik kherit bhaxen pneumatologist aslo. Pneumatology “mhungea Povitr Atmea sovem tachi soirigot”.Gregory ho poilo monis zannem Povitr Atmeachea pursanv kaddlem. Gregory aplea bhorovpantlean oxem sangta krist amchea bhaxen ek monis zalo zaka amchech bhaxen atmo asa.
Gregorichio Theology
[बदल]oxem sangta Devacher bhavarth dovrat ani Dev sorginchea rajeant soglle rochnneak sukh xanti ditolo. Hem sogllem soddun Gregory ek moladik kristanv monis zo chitti boroitalo. Ek boreantlo boro kovi,zo zaitio theological kovita boroitalo.zaite pavtti to aplea jivitacher ani aplea ixttanchea jivita voir boroitalo.
Ugddasacheo vostu
[बदल]Bhag.Gregorychi khudd Nazianzus ganvant matiek layli ani tachea ugddaschio vostu “constantinople” hea xharanth dhaddlio asat, heo soglio vostu “Bhagevont apostle” hea igrozent asa.
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