वापरपी चर्चा:The Discoverer cher vixoi

Dcljr (चर्चायोगदान)

When moving pages like these, please consider the possibility that outisde sites (or user bookmarks, etc.) might still link to the old titles. Leaving redirects is probably a better way to go.

The Discoverer (चर्चायोगदान)

These were cases where the page creators used a devanagari diacritic "ः" by mistake instead of a colon ":" at the end of the titles. I consider the chance of a link from an outside site minimal, and I want to discourage this type of error as it is difficult to identify this error to correct it. This is not simply a mis-spelling, but an attempt to include a punctuation mark in the page title. Hence, only in this kind of case, I am not leaving redirects behind.

Dcljr (चर्चायोगदान)

Fair enough.

"Not leaving redirects" हाका जबाब दी
"https://gom.wikipedia.org/wiki/विशय:Tkhs71vg3axdmjuc" चे कडल्यान परतून मेळयलें